The Other Half Of My Warhammer Set
The Tyranids are classified by various Hive Fleets, each with its warfare methods and singular adaptations based on need and the different alien species they consume.
My New Obsession, Warhammer 40,000 Miniatures
Warhammer 40,000 is an oversized, dense, and outlandish science fantasy series with which I fell in love several years ago.
Eurydice, The Druid Menagerie
Eurydice was born to perform, but unlike the bards who made up most of her family, she always had an innate connection to the forces of nature and creatures she met by living a nomadic lifestyle rather than one with the arcane song of creation.
Tztoor, The Cerebral Conqueror
An Elderbrain of the Mindflayers may find the Abyss hostile on the best of days. However, it should exercise the most caution when trying to turn demons into newborn thralls. Due to the nature of undiluted chaos, which bears demons, there is nothing more dangerous than when they adapt to the Mindflayer larvae…
Archfey Karnnos, The Wild Lord Of Revelry
fter many years away from his tribe, Karnnos returned to find himself disgusted by the carefree attitudes and gluttons of the Satyrs, who knew nothing of the conflict between the fey. Thus, he slaughtered them all…
The Enchanting Arcano-Griffon
While wild griffons are mighty beasts in their own right, the wild magic-infused Arcano-Griffon is among the fiercest predators known to man.
Rorishgard, Warlord of the Bloody Hands
Leader of a splinter sect of Bane-worshipping goblinoids, Rorishgard was once a humble and neutral Hobgoblin living in the lands of the Summer Court in the Feywild.
Monsterous Mimics
See that table over there? Mimic. Why's that barrel got teeth? Mimic. What's the problem with this door? Mimic. Why can't the players make it to the end of the dungeon? Because they're afraid of mimics.
Truffles, The Guardian Of The Grove
Truffles began his life as any other ordinary shambling mound. He was wild, amorphous, and driven by nothing more than a primal need to feed. Yet, his life changed when he met Muricia, the First Sovereign.
Muricia, The First Sovereign
Gifted life from a God of Death, Muricia was created for one purpose. As a queen bee might be to a hive, she was destined to rule over her fungal children and proliferate as an unliving yet undying personification of nature.
Displacer Beast Vs Blink Dogs
In most accounts of Dungeons and Dragons canon, the Displacer Beast was a creation of the Unseelie Fey, who count amongst their number the darker side of the Feywild.
Rhilya, The Verdant Tyrant
Rhilya was the second born of her brood, and her first conscious act as a wyrmling was to slay and consume her unnamed older brother, who had been born blind. Afterward, she slaughtered the rest of the clutch of eggs, instinctually absorbing their souls and empowering herself as a draconic sorcerer. These heinous actions were applauded by her father, who had done the same to his brood some 1,000 years prior.
Muscaria, The Myconid Sage
Born from the rotting corpse of an ancient cleric of the land left to return to nature, Muscaria was gifted with a level of wisdom and self-awareness that is rare among the fungal growths of the Myconid colonies.
Mini Monday: Rayla Bardon, Druid Queen Of Spores
Rayla Bardon is the first mortal Sovereign of the Myconids