Warlock Subclass: The Fey Knight
You have made a pact binding yourself to the powers of the Faerie Courts of the Feywild. Whether this is to an Archfey, Demigod, Goddess, or the fabric of the plane itself, you are bound to the whims of emotion and the tides of chaos that govern the transitory plane of the Faeries. The greatest heroes of the Fey count among their ranks many a Fey Knight. The Green Knight of Arthurian Legend, Enkidu of Uruk, and even the mysterious trickster god Loki all embody the aspects of the Fey Knights. You are sworn to uphold the sanctity of the Feywild and blessed by its power. Yet, the powers of the Fey are fickle and mysterious, ranging from good, to evil, to neutral, but all embody chaos. A chaos that now churns inside the fabric of your soul, screaming to be let loose and toyed with. But, is it you toying with it, or has the chaos that has bound itself to you found its newest plaything?
Expanded Spell List
When you accept the Pact of the Fey Knight, the following spells are added to your spellbook and do not count against your number of spells known.
1st Level: Shield
2nd Level: Wither And Bloom
3rd Level: Summon Fey
4th Level: Find Greater Steed
5th Level: Dispel Evil And Good
Courtly Training
At first level, you are gifted with the training to arm yourself to properly defend the Feywild. You gain proficiency in martial weapons, medium armor, and shields.
Moreover, you gain the ability to channel your essence through your chosen weapon. Whenever you take a short rest, you may choose a weapon you are proficient with that lacks the heavy property and choose to bind with it. Your bound weapon uses your charisma modifier for attacks and damage rolls, replacing strength or dexterity. Furthermore, your weapon counts as magical for the purposes of bypassing certain resistances. If you later gain the Pact of the Blade feature, this benefit extends to every pact weapon you conjure with that feature, no matter the weapon's type.
Flames Of The Faerie
Also, at first level, you gain the ability to channel raw chaos into your weapon in the form of fire. When you strike a creature with your bonded weapon, you may choose to imbue it with the Flames of the Faerie. When you do so, the creature must make a dexterity saving throw against your spell DC, and the affected creature takes an extra 1d6 psychic damage, half as much on a successful save, and on a failed save, is wreathed in a spectral fire for one minute. While a creature is wreathed in flame, all of your attacks made against that creature are made with advantage and deal extra psychic damage equal to your proficiency bonus. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all uses on a long rest.
Lesser Binding Vow
At sixth level, you gain the ability to make binding pacts with other living beings. When speaking to a sentient creature, or representative of a group of creatures, that understands a language you can speak, excluding undead or constructs, you may choose to use your action to make a binding vow with that creature and a sheet of magical parchment in the form of a contract appears between the two of you and deliberation may occur.
The creature is immediately free of any charm placed upon it by you or one of your allies when discussing the contract. You may ask the creature to follow one course of action, and the creature may ask the same of you. Courses of action are limited to twenty-five words and will appear on the contract. They may not include the sale of property, murder of another creature, or anything that can reasonably lead to the inevitable death of either party (potential death is A-Okay). Once you and the other creature come to an agreement on courses of action, the vow is set aflame and stored in the halls of the Marduk until completion. There is no penalty for either party if the contract is declined by either party.
You and the creature must follow the agreed-upon contract to the letter; consequences and interpretation of failures to uphold the contract are left up to the Dungeon Master. Failure or breaking of the contract on either party’s end results in a curse, as outlined in the bestow curse spell, of the DMs choosing to be placed upon the offending creature, which can only be lifted by the remove curse, greater restoration, or wish spells. Upon completion or breaking of the contract, the contract is destroyed.
Once you have made a binding vow, you may not do so again for seven days or until the most recent binding vow contract has been fulfilled or destroyed.
Greater Flames of The Faerie
At 10th level, you gain greater control over your Flames of the Faerie. When you cast a spell that does damage to one or more creatures, you may choose to imbue it with your Flames of the Faerie, affecting each creature dealt damage by the spell. This includes spells that fire multiple projectiles, such as Eldritch Blast, Magic Missile, and Scorching Ray, with each projectile gaining the benefit. Using Greater Flames of the Faerie does not consume any uses of your Flames of the Faerie feature. Once you use Greater Flames of the Faerie, you may not use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Champion Of The Courts
At 14th level, you become a champion of the Feywild and gain additional benefits. When you are holding your bound weapon, your armor class and saving throws are increased by +1, and you gain resistance to psychic damage. Additionally, when using your Flames of the Faerie ability, you may choose what ability score to use as the saving throw in lieu of a dexterity save. (Strength, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence, Charisma) Furthermore, when a creature affected by your Flames of the Faerie makes an attack roll against you, it must make it with disadvantage. When a creature affected by your Flames of the Faerie casts a spell that requires you to make a saving throw, you make that saving throw with advantage.